Monday, February 27, 2012

Excerpts from a letter to Bryan!

[I complained about how Ariel moved as soon as I had her old address memorized! Now, I have to forget that and memorize a new one! ;) She replied:] 
Sorry to have changed addresses on you. If it makes you feel better I have to look at my address when I write it too :)
Driving is coming along okay. I am starting to be able to recognize where I am and what roads to take, but I still need the GPS to get to all the other little dorfs. The other night someone almost hit me and I told sister Openshaw I didn't want to drive anymore. It was just a very stressful day and when the car almost hit us it threw me over the edge. I feel really comfortable driving now and I'm very safe. I promise! We do a lot of walking around since most of our kilometers are eaten up traveling to the other dorfs. So we're still safe.
We only have three investigators right now. They were all found by other sister missionaries. One of them is amazing. We saw him smoking ten minutes before our lesson and then we went in and taught an amazing lesson about the word of wisdom and we committed him to quitting and he said YES! It was amazing. He is still going strong not smoking. We have asked him to think about getting baptized on March 25th. In our last lesson we asked him what he was feeling about getting baptized and he said he feels like a kid at Christmas. It was really neat. He loves reading the scriptures, the gospel principles manual, and we just gave him a Liahona [a Church magazine published in German] about Christ.
Thank you so much for my package! It was amazing! I opened up the goldfish at lunch during President's interviews. Elder Wagley, our district leader, asked where i got the goldfish. I said my boyfriend sent them to me and then he said, ''man, i need a boyfriend.'' You're making them jealous Bryan Dale, way to go! :)

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