Monday, December 17, 2012

A rainy night in Georgia... raining all over the world

Hey Mumma!!!

   Guess what in one week and one day I get to talk to you all on the phone!!! I just bought a calling card and will be calling the old house number at 10:30 AM Louisiana time (that's 5:30pm my time). . President Kosak said we were only allowed to talk for 1 hour :( Na ja (no worries), I'll talk your ears off when I'm home. I'm so very excited to talk to you all. Are you excited for your train ride to New Orleans? I'm excited for you all. It's so funny the reactions we get from people when we explain that the main mode of transportation is not trains in the United States. It'll be fun for you all. I have been getting the Christmas package for you all together. I'm sorry you will all get it late but it'll help extend Christmas out a little more. I did get my Christmas package this past week. President Kosak was very concerned for all the missionaries who had yet to receive their packages. He said he had a list of everyone's name and about 40 missionaries had still yet to get packages. But I got mine! Sister Dean was about to open hers and I told her she wasn't allowed to. We luckily had exchanges so I took her package home while she went to a different city and then I hid her package in our apartment. I don't think she has found it yet so that's good :) In Germany they open their gifts on the 24th but I'm holding out to the 25th. It's funny, as kids we always begged to open them early but now when I have no one watching and world around me telling me to do it early I have the biggest desire to hold out till the 25th. Don't worry, I won't open it early!

    So on Wednesday we got to meet as half a mission for a zone conference in Hamburg because Elder Kent F. Richards came to visit our mission. He taught us for 4 hours straight and it was great. He knows the scriptures like nobody's business! They told us a few days before that he would be conducting random interviews and on Wednesday after the meeting they told me that I would be getting interviewed. It was a neat experience to sit down one on one with Elder Richards and to talk to him about my mission, my goals, and the things I have learned thus far. He is a very nice man who brings the spirit so strongly with him. At the beginning of our meeting he asked me to kneel with him and say a prayer. It was so hard to pray in English because the words just would not come in English, all the German words came to my mind, but also because the Spirit was so wonderful. I just wanted to sit there and bask in that moment.

   I am so shocked that Eli is growing facial hair! BAh! Why do you want all the doors in the house painted white? Even the front door? I had a dream we had to sell our house last night and move into an apartment. It was stressful. I didn't like it.

   I kind of think its hilarious that you told your supervisor that the new thing was a bunch of crap. It probably was very accurate. Haha! I'm glad she is so understanding though.

    This week Sister Dean has been pretty sick with the stomach flu. On Friday we went Christmas caroling with the Elders in our district in Oldenburg and handed out Joy to the world DVDs. It was very successfull and the people all enjoyed hearing us singing. It sure was cold but way worth it. On Saturday we had our ward Christmas party in Cuxhaven. Bruder XXXXXX and Bruder XXXX came. Bruder XXXXXX has not celebrated Christmas in 29 years so it was a new experience for him but he really enjoyed the time he got to spend with ward members. Bruder XXXX is set to be baptized now in January  if all goes well with his eye (he has been having some problems) and Bruder XXXXXX told us he chose a new baptismal date in January so we are staying busy for sure preparing people and helping people understand the gospel.

   This week we are already packed with appointments which is good cause that means it'll fly by and then Christmas will come before we know it and then I get to talk to you all!! I love you bunches mum. Just one more week until you can have a wonderful vacation. Thanks for all your support!

-Ariel Nell

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